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2023-08-16 20:09:47 作者:文化探索

泰勒-斯威夫特十月推出自创香水 用歌词命名
"you belong with me" is a country pop song performed by american recording artist taylor swift. the song was co-written by swift and liz rose and produced by nathan chapman with swift's aid. it was released on april 21, 2023, by big machine records as the third single from swift's second studio album, fearless. swift was inspired to write "you belong with me" after overhearing a male friend of hers arguing with his girlfriend through a phone call; she continued to develop a story line afterward. the song contains many pop music elements and its lyrics have swift desiring an out-of-reach love interest.

aylor是天生的小美女,首先她是天生的金发蓝眼,这在欧美就是极受欢迎的美女长相,很多天生不是金发的女孩子都会花好长时间把头发染成金色。身材纤细高挑,1米8的身高即使在欧美人群中也很亮眼,所以大部分时间我们看到的都是她的公主造型卷发,但是在YOU BELONG WITH ME里面她一人分饰两角,其中那个长发拉直染成棕色画着浓妆的造型,皮肤雪白细腻,五官立体且特色分明,尤其是那双深邃的宝石蓝色眼睛是很多小说里都会写到的“桃花眼”“狐狸眼”,我个人一直很想有一双睫毛浓密的桃花眼,放起电来杀伤力很大的。那头阳光一样灿烂的金发是天生非常卷的
